I have a problem with querying with MongoDB, here's the data structure in MongoDB:
"_id": "aaaaa",
"groups": [
"name": "group0",
"props": {
"unknown1": "value1",
"unknown2": "value2",
"unknown3": "value3"
"name": "group1",
"props": {
"unknown4": "value4",
"unknown5": "value5",
"unknown6": "value6"
I want to query documents whose nested fields have specific value but the key is unknown , like : groups[X].props.unknownX.valueX = valueA.
I'v tried using aggregate query below :
$project: {
"props": "$groups.props"
$unwind: "$props"
$project: {
"result": {
$objectToArray: "$props"
$match: {
$and: [
"result.k": "unknown2",
"result.v": "value1"
"$project": {
result: {
"$arrayToObject": "$result"
A sandBox: https://mongoplayground.net/p/71TYThQnxTP
The result is :
"_id": "aaaaa",
"result": {
"unknown1": "value1",
"unknown2": "value2",
"unknown3": "value3"
But I expect it as :
It should not be a array because I used $and operation by querying condition props.unknown2 = value1
. But it seems return props.unknown2 exists and props.unknownX.value1 exists
, is there anything wrong I make ?
Can anyone can help ? I will be grateful. Thank you!
You haven't checked that both criteria are satisfied by a single element of the array. This is exactly what $elemMatch
is for:
$match: {
result: {
$elemMatch: {
"k": "unknown2",
"v": "value1"