
Webpage Only Scrolls Once Using Selenium Despite New Content Loading

I'm trying to scrape URLs from a dynamically allocated webpage that requires continuous scrolling to load all the content into the DOM. My approach involves running window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); in a loop using Selenium's execute_script function. After each scroll, I compare the number of URLs loaded before and after the scroll. If the number of URLs doesn't change, I assume the end of the page has been reached and break the loop.

However, the script assumes that all content has been loaded into the DOM, even though I know new content is being loaded within the given timeout. Below is my code:

def _scroll_page_to_bottom(self, timeout: int):  # Todo: Fix Bugs
    while True:
        urls_before_scroll = self.browser.find_elements(
            By.XPATH, read_xpath(self.scrape_programs_urls.__name__, "programs_urls")
        self.browser.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")

        # Wait for new content to be loaded
            WebDriverWait(self.browser, timeout).until(
                lambda _: len(self.browser.find_elements(
                    By.XPATH, read_xpath(self.scrape_programs_urls.__name__, "programs_urls"))
                ) > len(urls_before_scroll)
        except TimeoutException:
            # If no new content is loaded within the timeout, assume we've reached the end of the page

Can anyone please guess what could be causing the issue in the above code?

Edit: i did some debugging and found the issue is specifically related to scroll functionality when i execute window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); in the console of the browser the page doesn't get scrolled to the bottom either which explains why my code is not working. The site am trying to scrape is


  • This code below works well in scrolling down the page, try to embed it into your code:

    ele = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@class,"Pane-module_u1-pane__content")]')
    driver.execute_script('arguments[0].scrollIntoView(false);', ele)