
Handling tables in quill

I'm trying to use tables with the Quill WYSIWYG editor. I'm trying to do it in the sandbox: . I've added ['table'] to the toolbar, so now it looks like this:

const quill = new Quill('#editor', {
  modules: {
    toolbar: [
      [{ header: [1, 2, false] }],
      ['bold', 'italic', 'underline'],
      ['image', 'code-block'],
  placeholder: 'Compose an epic...',
  theme: 'snow', // or 'bubble'

The table icon appeared, however I have no freakin' idea on how to add columns and rows to it. Does anyone know?


  • Sorry but Quill v2.0.2 doesn't really support table rendering and inserting/editing. For basic usage, I recommend using the module:

    npm install quill-better-table
    import QuillBetterTable from 'quill-better-table'
      'modules/better-table': QuillBetterTable
    }, true)
    const quill = new Quill('#editor-wrapper', {
      theme: 'snow',
      modules: {
        table: false,  // disable table module
        'better-table': {
          operationMenu: {
            items: {
              unmergeCells: {
                text: 'Another unmerge cells name'
        keyboard: {
          bindings: QuillBetterTable.keyboardBindings
        .onclick = () => {
          let tableModule = quill.getModule('better-table')
          tableModule.insertTable(3, 3)

    If you're feeling adventurous, you could also check this cool project, where they re-write Quill in order to handle table.
