I'm attempting to extract a particular value from a nested JSON response in PowerShell.
I am performing a GET method on a REST endpoint and getting the following back.
"value": [
"id": 2370,
"customFields": [
"@{id=60; caption=M\u0026S Agreement Status ; type=Text; entryMethod=List; numberOfDecimals=0; value=Active}",
"@{id=68; caption=Maintenance Renewal Notes; type=Text; entryMethod=EntryField; numberOfDecimals=0}",
"@{id=81; caption=Reseller; type=Text; entryMethod=List; numberOfDecimals=0}",
"@{id=105; caption=Product Type; type=Text; entryMethod=List; numberOfDecimals=0; value=GoAnywhere}"
"Count": 1
I am unsure of how to extract the "value" field which contains "GoAnywhere" from the final nested string.
I have tried this.
$agreementsResponse | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object{$_.value} | Select customFields
and it is getting me a single string in an Object:
{@{id=60; caption=M&S Agreement Status ; type=Text; entryMethod=List; numberOfDecimals=0; value=Active}, @{id=68; caption=Maintenance Renewal Notes; type=Text; entryMethod=EntryField; numberOfDecimals=0}, @{id=8...
This is a really odd API response, what you have in the customFields
Json array seem to be string representations of PowerShell's custom objects. I assume what you're looking to do is extract the line that has a value=GoAnywhere
, perhaps a good approach can be to convert these strings into objects, then it will be easier to extract data from them. See ConvertFrom-StringData
for details.
Using the Json sample from question the code would be:
$json = $agreementsResponse | ConvertFrom-Json
$result = $json.value.customFields | ForEach-Object {
$hash = $_ -replace '^@\{|\}$' -replace '\s*;\s*', "`n" |
if ($hash.ContainsKey('value') -and $hash['value'] -eq 'GoAnywhere') {
Then, in $result
, for this specific example you'd get a single hashtable than you can easily manipulate / extract information from:
Name Value
---- -----
id 105
value GoAnywhere
entryMethod List
type Text
numberOfDecimals 0
caption Product Type