
Custom cascade delete stored procedure for temporal tables in SQL Server


I want to create a stored procedure in SQL Server (2016 - v13.0) to manually perform cascading deletes across tables with foreign key constraints, including self-referencing tables. I require a custom implementation due to the use of temporal tables, which do not support cascading deletes. I find this limitation very frustrating, especially given that temporal tables are designed to track deletions. In order to delete a row, it is necessary first to delete all rows that depend on it.

I should be clear: I do not want to touch data in history tables, I only care about deleting rows in the current tables.

My knowledge of SQL isn't very deep, and I'm not sure if this is the best approach. I've considered using soft deletes, but I'm not fond of them due to the clutter they introduce and the need to be diligent in maintaining data accuracy. I've heard of others suggesting a stored procedure for performing deletions explicitly, but in my scenario I have far too many tables to implement a deletion procedure for each individually; instead, I need a dynamic one that will work for any given table row.


The stored procedure should:

Example Scenario:

Consider this hyper-simplified representation of the database I'm working with.

DBML diagram of example database schema


Given this hierarchy, if I attempt to delete a Folder, the procedure should recursively delete all dependent ElementInstances, Elements, Pages, Forms, and child Folders (in that order).


Any guidance or examples would be greatly appreciated!


  • I decided to write a deletion procedure for each table. Below is an example from the application I'm building, and isn't 1:1 with the example given in my OP, but it follows the same principles.

    database diagram Omitting many tables for the sake of brevity, assume all temporal.

    Here's the procedure to delete the top-level entity, which has a self reference. It'll first locate all of it's child Folders and execute the DeleteFolder procedure on it to begin a sort of recursive process, then it'll delete the Forms belonging to them via the DeleteForm procedure.


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DeleteFolder]
        @FolderId INT
        -- Delete child folders
        DECLARE @ChildFolderId INT;
        DECLARE ChildFoldersCursor CURSOR FOR
        SELECT [Id] FROM [ui].[Folders] WHERE [ParentId] = @FolderId;
        OPEN ChildFoldersCursor;
        FETCH NEXT FROM ChildFoldersCursor INTO @ChildFolderId;
        WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
            EXEC [dbo].[DeleteFolder] @ChildFolderId;
            FETCH NEXT FROM ChildFoldersCursor INTO @ChildFolderId;
        CLOSE ChildFoldersCursor;
        DEALLOCATE ChildFoldersCursor;
        -- Delete related forms
        DECLARE @FormId INT;
        DECLARE FormsCursor CURSOR FOR
        SELECT [Id] FROM [config].[Forms] WHERE [FolderId] = @FolderId;
        OPEN FormsCursor;
        FETCH NEXT FROM FormsCursor INTO @FormId;
        WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
            EXEC [dbo].[DeleteForm] @FormId;
            FETCH NEXT FROM FormsCursor INTO @FormId;
        CLOSE FormsCursor;
        DEALLOCATE FormsCursor;
        -- Delete the folder
        DELETE FROM [ui].[Folders] WHERE [Id] = @FolderId;

    Here's the procedure that is called in the previous one. It details how to delete the entities that depend on the given Form. Again, it continues to use stored procedures for deletions instead of explicit row deletions.


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DeleteForm]
        @FormId INT
        -- Delete related pages
        DECLARE @PageId INT;
        DECLARE PagesCursor CURSOR FOR
        SELECT [Id] FROM [ui].[Pages] WHERE [FormId] = @FormId;
        OPEN PagesCursor;
        FETCH NEXT FROM PagesCursor INTO @PageId;
        WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
            EXEC [dbo].[DeletePage] @PageId;
            FETCH NEXT FROM PagesCursor INTO @PageId;
        CLOSE PagesCursor;
        DEALLOCATE PagesCursor;
        -- Delete related lookup lists
        DECLARE @LookupListId INT;
        DECLARE LookupListsCursor CURSOR FOR
        SELECT [Id] FROM [config].[LookupLists] WHERE [FormId] = @FormId;
        OPEN LookupListsCursor;
        FETCH NEXT FROM LookupListsCursor INTO @LookupListId;
        WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
            EXEC [dbo].[DeleteLookupList] @LookupListId;
            FETCH NEXT FROM LookupListsCursor INTO @LookupListId;
        CLOSE LookupListsCursor;
        DEALLOCATE LookupListsCursor;
        -- Delete the related Elements
        DECLARE @ElementId INT;
        DECLARE ElementsCursor CURSOR FOR
        SELECT [Id] FROM [config].[Elements] WHERE [FormId] = @FormId;
        OPEN ElementsCursor;
        FETCH NEXT FROM ElementsCursor INTO @ElementId;
        WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
            EXEC [dbo].[DeleteElement] @ElementId;
            FETCH NEXT FROM ElementsCursor INTO @ElementId;
        CLOSE ElementsCursor;
        DEALLOCATE ElementsCursor;
        -- Delete the form
        DELETE FROM [config].[Forms] WHERE [Id] = @FormId;

    Eventually, we get to a point where we're deleting leafs that don't depend on anything, and thus we've emulated ON DELETE CASCADE, with a bit more flexibility and (unfortunately) a lot more code.