
Comparing if a Instant has passed a Duration in java


I am currently trying to fix an issue with my Java Code. Essentially, I have to variables: currentTime of Type Instant and activeAfterSecond of type Duration (from the java.time package). Basically what I want to do is check whether currentTime has already passed the duration (or reached it). So in pseudocode something like this:

if(currentTime >= duration){
   // do something

Obviously something like this does not work, as Instants and Durations cannot be compared to one another. I have been trying to figure out what method from the java.time.Instant and java.time.Duration packages would be best for comparing (e.g. using something like getSeconds() from the Duration package) but haven't been able to find a proper, feasible solution.

Does anyone have any idea how I could solve this issue? Help would be appreciated!


(based on what Diego replied)

Duration startAndCurrentDur = Duration.between(startTime, currentTime);
Duration activeAfterSecond = Duration.ofSeconds(5); // just an example

if(startAndCurrentDur.compareTo(activeAfterSecond) >= 0){ //enter if branch when activeAfterSecond equal or greater than startAndCurrentDur
   // do something


  • You need another Instant variable, with the lastTime (the currentTime of a previous step). Then, you may try something like this:

    if (Duration.between (lastTime, currentTime).compareTo (duration) > 0) {
        // do Something
        lastTime = currentTime;

    Note: edited for using compareTo().