I am getting this message in the console:
[Ionic Warning]: NavParams has been deprecated in favor of using Angular’s input API. Developers should migrate to either the @Input decorator or the Signals-based input API.
I searched everywhere and there is no working sample of using @Input decorator instead of NavParams to pass data to the modal component.
Edit: I want to pass data to the modal component using componentProps of ionic ModalController.
Here is what I am testing right now and it works with the below ionic and angular
@ionic/angular 8.2.6
@angular/cdk 18.1.4
Main page
async openGEmodal( ) {
const modal: HTMLIonModalElement =
await this.modalController.create({
component: ModalgePage,
cssClass: 'largeModal',
componentProps: { GEtype: true } // I am using true, but you can use any thing you wish
modal.onDidDismiss().then((data) =>{
if(data.data !== ''){ console.log(data) }
await modal.present();
Modal page
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NavParams } from '@ionic/angular';
GEtype: any;
this.GEtype = this.navParams.get('GEtype');
// new
import { Component, Input} from '@angular/core';
export class SomeClassPage {
@Input() GEtype: any; // this becomes this.GEtype console.log will show true