
Find average of data from one column into another column but only if the data in a third column matches?

I'm working on an excel file for work, in which we are cataloguing the complexity of project pieces in Column H. I would like to include an "average" complexity for each individual project into Column I. My problem is that I don't want every single project averaged together, but rather, only ones that have matching numbers in column A. So, basically: If Column A has project number 17332 in three rows, which are categorized as 2, 4, and 2 in column H, I want the average of Column H within those three matching Column A's to appear in I. If Column A then has project number 13229 in a different set of rows, it would also populate Column I with their individual average of H.

In the end it would be:

Column A Column H Column I
17332 2 2.67
17332 4 2.67
17332 2 2.67
13229 1 1.75
13229 1 1.75
13229 3 1.75
13229 2 1.75

(and so on) (Not sure if my table is working. doesn't seem to like me.) I'm assuming this has something to do with the AVERAGEIF command, but I know just enough of VBA or conditional formatting to get myself in trouble, and I would rather not break the company's storage sheet if I can get away with it.


  • In column I you can use: