I am using amazon font Ember as custom font in my app , i have setup a font,ts file in lib folder and export the font properly as instructed in different blog post and make it working in my dev server but when i build app its look when i go to localhost:3000 first the css is not loaded , then i go to auth page , the CSS loads properly , comes back to / and it start working fine but the font didn't load , its show systemUi as font style that i never user even in a fallback i am using arial and san serif
here is my code
import localFont from "next/font/local";
const Ember = localFont({
src: [
path: "../app/AmazonEmber_Th.ttf",
weight: "100",
style: "normal",
path: "../app/AmazonEmber_Lt.ttf",
weight: "200",
style: "normal",
path: "../app/AmazonEmber_Rg.ttf",
weight: "400",
style: "normal",
path: "../app/Amazon-Ember-Medium.ttf",
weight: "500",
style: "normal",
path: '../app/AmazonEmber_Bd.ttf',
weight: "700",
style: "normal",
path: '../app/AmazonEmber_He.ttf',
weight: "900",
style: "normal",
variable: "--font-ember",
display: "swap",
fallback: ["sans-serif", "arial"],
export { Ember };
my tailwind config file
import type { Config } from "tailwindcss"
const config = {
theme: {
fontFamily: {
Ember: ['var(--font-ember)', 'sans-serif']
plugins: [require("tailwindcss-animate")],
} satisfies Config
export default config
in root layout <body className={${Ember.className} font-Ember}>
Note , i dont work on defalut root layout i have group routes , each route does have it's own layout
The more weird thing is that the font loaded properly at / but the css didn't load and when go to auth/login the css load and fon't didn't
I find a workaround is by adding a duplicate globals.css file into the (customer) grouped route and the css started working properly on production as well