I have a large password-protected 7z archive that contains another password-protected 7z archive, structured as follows:
OuterArchive.7z (200GB)
└── InnerArchive.7z (200GB)
├── SomeFile.ext (1GB)
└── ...
The sizes of the archives are extremely large (over 200GB), and I don't have enough free space to extract the entire archive as a file. Therefore, I am trying to use standard I/O pipes to extract only the requested file with the following command:
7z x OuterArchive.7z -so InnerArchive.7z -ppass1 | 7z x -si -so -ppass2 SomeFile.ext
Is this command correct (since it doesn't work), and is it even possible to execute such a thing since the file size exceeds the device's RAM (16GB)?
UPDATE: Here is the result of the command:
Can not open the file as archive
You can see the first part of command is working:
└─$ 7z x OuterArchive.7z -so InnerArchive.7z -ppass1 | head -n 1 | hexdump -C
00000000 37 7a bc af 27 1c 00 04 5f 0f 51 b0 a3 61 2f 29 |7z..'..._.Q..a/)|
00000010 1d 00 00 00 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6f a6 f5 15 |....'.......o...|
00000020 a3 8c 32 aa 06 f8 aa c7 92 b0 42 a1 01 0c 66 a3 |..2.......B...f.|
00000030 77 09 6c c3 f9 da 72 28 20 d0 b6 ac 0b b8 ed fc |w.l...r( .......|
So something must be wrong in this part: 7z x -si -so -ppass2 SomeFile.ext
Apparently this action is not supported. (cf. E_NOTIMPL
See: https://superuser.com/questions/1509609/combined-decryption-and-unzipping-of-a-file
The answer from Igor Pavlov (the creator of 7-zip) is:
7-zip needs "seek" operation for 7z archives. So you can't use
to extract from 7z archive.This was dated 2016-03-30. My tests and the changelog indicate the statement is still valid in 2019.
It might be possible to mount the external 7z archive as a filesystem so that 7z can have the seekable file it needs.
Some projects that appear to support this using FUSE are:
Using a web-server as a helper:
Uses temporary files, so probably no good for the use-case of the question:
Older, possibly non-working, projects include: