My application is running on Expo using Expo Router. I have an app folder containing a (tabs) folder which has a few pages I am using for the tab bar, including a home.jsx page. The app folder also has an index.jsx file and a _layout.jsx. When the application opens, I want the user to be at app/(tabs)/home.jsx, but I've read that you automatically start at index.jsx first, so I put redirect there to app/(tabs)/home.jsx. While this works, it briefly shows an animation swapping from the index.jsx page to home. Is there a way to only load the app once it is on the home page? I don't like having this animation for the user.
Here's what I've tried:
import React from "react";
import { Redirect } from "expo-router";
const StartPage = () => {
return <Redirect href="/home" />;
export default StartPage;
Thanks in advance.
The correct approach would be to just rename home.jsx
to index.jsx