
Can't parse multiple files with Go MultipartForm

I'm building a simple file uploader, basically for learning/testing purposes, using Vue for the front-end and Go for the back-end. Here's the code

    <div class="adddocument-container">
        <h1>Trascina il documento da aggiungere qui</h1>
        <form action="http://localhost:55678/postdocument" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;gap: 20px;">
        <input class="fileinput" name="file[]" ref="file" type="file" multiple @input="collectDocument">
            <p v-for="i in it"> {{ }}</p>
        <button type="submit">Upload</button>

export default {
    data () {
        return {
            it : []
    methods : {
        collectDocument() {
   = this.$refs.file.files

And golang http handler function here:

package handlers

import (

func PostDocument (db *dbmanager.DBClient) http.HandlerFunc {
    return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        for k := range r.MultipartForm.File {
            file,fileheader,err := r.FormFile(k)
                if err != nil {
                defer file.Close()
                localFileName := "./documents/" + fileheader.Filename
                out, err := os.Create(localFileName)
                if err != nil {
                defer out.Close()
                _, err = io.Copy(out,file)
                if err != nil {

It seems I can't receive/parse more than one file in the back-end, and I can't understand why or where I am wrong. Basically, the go handler should write all the files received in the documents folder, but it only writes (correctly) the last one selected in the front-end.

Also, I checked the POST request sent from the front-end and it seems it correctly sends all the files (I'm basing this assumption on the request size), but I don't understand where I am wrong in the back-end at this point.

Thank you very much for any help!


  • The documentation for Request.FormFile says:

    FormFile returns the first file for the provided form key.

    The application must use the Request's MultipartForm directly to access all files for the key.

    for k, fileheaders := range r.MultipartForm.File {
        for _, fileheader := range fileheaders {
            file, err := fileheader.Open()
            if err != nil {
            defer file.Close()

    The application can access all files for the key file[] as follows. There's no need to loop over keys as in the question.

    fileheaders := r.MultipartForm.File["file[]"]
    for _, fileheader := range fileheaders {
        file, err := fileheader.Open()
        if err != nil {
        defer file.Close()