
Retrieve an integer from Firebase Realtime Database and assign it to a variable

I want to fetch a variable called "progress" from my Realtime database, like this:

progress tab

Now, I would like to assign this 1 as a variable, so I wrote code like this:

val progresstab = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("prProgressTableRow")

However, I don't exactly know how to call that value. How can I make a variable so that it will assign it as the value 1?

I tried this:

val progression = parseInt(progresstab.child("progress").toString())

However, it did not work. How can I get that value directly?

I tried creating a variable:

progression = parseInt(progresstab.child("progress").toString())

However it doesn't show me anything and the app even crashes. I tried making listeners, but it fetches the value from a new class instead of me just getting the snapshot.


  • Assuming that the prProgressTableRow node is a direct child of your root ref, then if you want to read the value of progress field that exists at the following database reference:

    --- prProgressTableRow
         --- progress: 1

    You have to create a reference that points to the progress node and call get() as in the following lines of code:

    val db = Firebase.database.reference
    val progressRef = db.child("prProgressTableRow").child("progress")
    progressRef.get().addOnCompleteListener { task ->
        if (task.isSuccessful) {
            val progressSnapshot = task.result
            val progress = progressSnapshot.getValue(
            Log.d(TAG, "$progress")
        } else {
            Log.d(TAG, "${task.exception?.message}") //Never ignore potential errors!

    If you want to use the value of progress outside the callback, then I recommend you use one of the solutions that exists in the following post: