
Use array values as path to match documents in mongodb

Given a list of documents like:

    _id: 1,
    field: {
      subfield1: {
        subsubfield1: [
      subfield2: {
        subsufield2: [
    paths: [
    _id: 2,
    field: {
      subfield1: {
        subsubfield1: [
      subfield2: {
        subsufield2: [
    paths: [
    _id: 3,
    field: {
      subfield1: {
        subsubfield1: [
      subfield2: {
        subsufield2: [
    paths: [
    _id: 4,
    field: {
      subfield1: {
        subsubfield1: [
      subfield2: {
        subsufield2: [
    paths: [

in which paths field is an array with paths to document. I have to return documents that have test as a value in at least one of the paths specified in the paths array. For example, the documents with _id 1 and _id 2 would be returned, because at least one of the values in paths is a path in the document with value test. Documents with _id 3 and _id 4 are not returned since no element of paths is a path in the document that has value test.


  • EDIT: since OP updated the assumption that the field is always nested in 3 levels. This actually simplify the scenario, and thus the aggregation pipeline.

    1. use $objectToArray to parse the field object as an array of k-v tuple, named parsed
      • use $map to iterate through the parsed array
      • slightly wrangle the k to append the field. as prefix
    2. repeat the parsing
    3. $match only if any element in parsed array are inside the paths array and have value test
        "$set": {
          "parsed": {
            "$map": {
              "input": {
                "$objectToArray": "$field"
              "as": "kv",
              "in": {
                k: {
                  "$concat": [
                v: "$$kv.v"
        "$set": {
          "parsed": {
            "$reduce": {
              "input": "$parsed",
              "initialValue": [],
              "in": {
                "$concatArrays": [
                    "$map": {
                      "input": {
                        "$objectToArray": "$$this.v"
                      "as": "kv",
                      "in": {
                        k: {
                          "$concat": [
                        v: "$$kv.v"
        "$match": {
          "$expr": {
            "$anyElementTrue": {
              "$map": {
                "input": "$parsed",
                "as": "p",
                "in": {
                  //1. matching
                  "$and": [
                    // 1.1 matching path
                      "$in": [
                    // 1.2 matching value "test"
                      "$in": [

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