I need a specific formula that would give me the position of a cell in a column (Data!A:A) based on values form another range (A:A). Those values are strings of numbers that can be found as sub-strings of the values in Data!A:A.
I was able to successfully make a formula that does this for a single row, but I need one that would go through the whole list. What I made was:
But when I try to simply wrap in an arrayformula it it gives me wrong answers
I made and example sheet to visualize it - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-R-zWDZKarLAAYg4c5drJUolLFII0vSkt5nIuEHsWIA/edit?usp=sharing
Does anyone have an idea how to make it work?
You may try:
=map(A:A,lambda(Σ,if(Σ="",,index(index(split(Data!A:A,": ",),,2),xmatch("*"&Σ&"*",to_text(Data!A:A),2)+5))))
= map(A:A,lambda(Σ,if(Σ="",,index(1*(REGEXEXTRACT(Data!A:A,"[\d.-]+")),xmatch("*"&Σ&"*",to_text(Data!A:A),2)+5))))