
How can I align the Tab bars similarly on both Android and iOS devices?

I am using expo-router's Tabs to create a navbar for my application, but I notice that there is a big disparity between the navbar's appearance on iOS and Android. On Android the icons are not large enough, and there is a large gap between the icons and their labels. I'd like to get the Android navbar to look similar to the one on iOS devices.

Here's what I have so far:

const TabsLayout = () => {
  const iconSize = hp("3%");

  return (
          tabBarStyle: {
            height: hp("10%"),
          tabBarLabelStyle: {
            fontSize: hp("1.8%"),
            title: "Home",
            headerShown: false,
            tabBarIcon: ({ color }) => (
              <FontAwesome size={iconSize} name="home" color={color} />
            title: "Create",
            headerShown: false,
            tabBarIcon: ({ color }) => (
              <FontAwesome6 name="add" size={iconSize} color={color} />
            title: "Profile",
            headerShown: false,
            tabBarIcon: ({ color }) => (
              <AntDesign name="profile" size={iconSize} color={color} />

export default TabsLayout;

I'm also using react-native-responsive-screen to account for differences in screen size.


  • On the tabBarIcon prop, you can make the icon styling very granular. Also, since expo-router is built on top of react-navigation if you go to the React Navigation docs, you'll find a lot more options to play around with until you can find the best combination for your needs.