Here I have some code that converts balanced ternary (-, 0, +) as a string of minuses, zeroes, and pluses into a floating point number (a double). How do I invert this function? I want to get the balanced ternary equivalent of a floating point number.
public static func convertBT2FL(ternaryString: String) -> Double {
var exp : Double = 0
var sum : Double = 0
for trit in ternaryString {
var tritN : Double = 0
if trit == "+" {
tritN = 1
} else if trit == "0" {
tritN = 0
} else if trit == "-" {
tritN = -1
sum += tritN * pow(3.0, exp)
exp -= 1
return sum
public static func convertFL2BT(doubleValue: Double) -> String {
//invert function here
I know how to normalize the number so that it's always between -1.5 and 1.5 (so the significand is always representable as something like +.-++-++ and not +-++.-++) by doing the following:
var n = ceil((log(abs(significandValueDouble)) - log(1.5)) / log(3))
var newSignificand = significandValueDouble / pow(3.0, n)
But I'm at a loss for how to convert the resulting newSignificand
into balanced ternary. I found a site that does this sort of conversion but I haven't been able to figure out how to do it myself.
For 19 digits of balanced ternary, the answer is (messy):
for n in Range(uncheckedBounds: (0, 19)) {
if ( abs( sum - -1 * pow(3.0, Double(-n)) ) < abs( sum - 1 * pow(3.0, Double(-n)) ) ) && ( abs( sum - -1 * pow(3.0, Double(-n)) ) < abs(sum) ){
sum -= -1 * pow(3.0, Double(-n))
significand += "-"
} else if ( abs( sum - -1 * pow(3.0, Double(-n)) ) > abs( sum - 1 * pow(3.0, Double(-n))) ) && ( abs( sum - 1 * pow(3.0, Double(-n))) < abs(sum) ) {
sum -= 1 * pow(3.0, Double(-n))
significand += "+"
} else {
significand += "0"
This takes the absolute value of the difference between the sum and two options - it tries it with either a 1 or a -1 multiplied by 3 to the power of n as n goes from the first digit to the last (left to right), and whichever is smallest wins, and gets added to the string significant as a + or a - (including if the 1 or -1 are equal or both greater than the sum, in which case it's a zero)