This question has been asked many times, here are a few for reference:
Reimport a module while interactive
Proper way to reload a python module from the console
How to reload a module's function in Python?
From what I searched and learned, I have wrote the following but it fails to properly reload the module:
import pandas as pd
pd.get_option('display.width') # 80
pd.set_option("display.width", 150)
del pd
import importlib
import sys
pd = importlib.reload(sys.modules['pandas'])
pd.get_option('display.width') # 150
Your module (pandas) in this case is actually reloaded, but importlib.reload
does not clear internal memory of module-level variables, it merely re-executes the module’s code. Now, the value of the module variables after reload depends on the way it was initialized. If you define your module like
x = 0
except NameError:
y = 0
you can see the difference in behavior:
>>> import importlib
>>> import m
>>> m.x
>>> m.y
>>> m.x = 1
>>> m.y = 1
>>> _ = importlib.reload(m)
>>> m.x
>>> m.y