
How to Generate a Random Complex Symmetric Unitary Matrix in Python?

I am trying to optimize a complex symmetric unitary matrix 𝐴 with dimensions N*N using Python.

First of all, how to generate matrix 𝐴 that should satisfies the two conditions:

𝐴=𝐴^{T} (symmetric constraint), where 𝐴^{T} is the transpose of 𝐴

𝐴 . 𝐴^{H}= I (Unitary constraint), where 𝐴^{H} is the Hermitian transpose of 𝐴 and I is the identity matrix.

Secondly, I will use it to maximize a matrix multiplication of matrix B with N*N dimensions, so how to perform this matrix multiplication while 𝐴 remains both symmetric and unitary.

import random
import numpy as np
import cmath
import math

N = 4  # Matrices dimensions 

B=np.array([[0.09+0.76j, 0.67+0.08j, 0.28+0.58j],
            [0.47+0.82j, 0.85+0.07j, 0.13+0.49j],
            [0.12+0.8j , 0.35+0.31j, 0.76+0.85j]])                  

result =  A @ B


  • First find the unitary matrix U (the bulk of the stuff below). Then V=UTU will be symmetric and unitary.

    The harder part is getting the unitary matrix U. A matrix is unitary if and only if its columns are orthonormal. (Dot products of different columns are 0; norm of each column is 1.) So you can construct such a matrix by the Gram-Schmidt process.

    Imagine each column of your matrix is a vector. Dealing with each column in turn you (a) subtract the projections of previous column vectors; then (b) normalise this column. As long as you have independent columns (i.e. your original matrix was invertible) then this will produce orthonormal columns and hence a unitary matrix.

    The following will produce a unitary matrix from a given matrix A. A unitary matrix is one for which the conjugate of its transpose is its inverse (see ). It tests this at the end by multiplication to give the identity matrix (up to the usual floating-point accuracy).

    You can improve this by (a) checking matrix A is invertible first (e.g. by calculating its determinant) and (b) formatting the output a bit more neatly.

    import numpy as np
    def makeUnitary( A ):
        N = A.shape[0]                          # number of columns
        U = A.copy()
        # Gram-Schmidt process
        U[:,0] /= np.linalg.norm( U[:,0] )      # normalise first column
        for i in range( 1, N ):                 # make successive columns orthogonal
            for j in range( i ):                #    by subtracting projections of previous columns
                U[:,i] -= U[:,i].dot( U[:,j].conj() ) * U[:,j]
            U[:,i] /= np.linalg.norm( U[:,i] )  # normalise column
        return U
    A=np.array([[0.09+0.76j, 0.67+0.08j, 0.28+0.58j],
                [0.47+0.82j, 0.85+0.07j, 0.13+0.49j],
                [0.12+0.8j , 0.35+0.31j, 0.76+0.85j]])               
    U = makeUnitary( A )                                  # a unitary matrix
    V = U.T @ U                                           # symmetrised unitary matrix
    print( "Original matrix:\n", A )
    print( "\nSymmetric unitary matrix constructed from it:\n", V )
    print( "\nCheck V.V(conj)T (should be identity matrix):\n", V @ V.conj().T )


    Original matrix:
     [[0.09+0.76j 0.67+0.08j 0.28+0.58j]
     [0.47+0.82j 0.85+0.07j 0.13+0.49j]
     [0.12+0.8j  0.35+0.31j 0.76+0.85j]]
    Symmetric unitary matrix constructed from it:
     [[-0.77181963+0.51542139j  0.15837321+0.05726809j -0.30709606+0.12635484j]
     [ 0.15837321+0.05726809j  0.40398494-0.53221372j -0.43217941-0.581725j  ]
     [-0.30709606+0.12635484j -0.43217941-0.581725j    0.55047024-0.24804427j]]
    Check V.V(conj)T (should be identity matrix):
     [[1.00000000e+00-2.05296819e-18j 3.93579786e-16-6.38754713e-16j
     [3.93579786e-16+6.24994617e-16j 1.00000000e+00-1.58327863e-18j
     [6.37756498e-17+6.55406471e-16j 1.09796762e-16+1.49124945e-16j

    A unitary matrix can be diagonalised (i.e. written as Q-1.diag.Q). Powers of U can then be computed quickly simply by taking powers of the elements in the diagonal matrix.