I am trying to optimize a complex symmetric unitary matrix 𝐴 with dimensions N*N using Python.
First of all, how to generate matrix 𝐴 that should satisfies the two conditions:
𝐴=𝐴^{T} (symmetric constraint), where 𝐴^{T} is the transpose of 𝐴
𝐴 . 𝐴^{H}= I (Unitary constraint), where 𝐴^{H} is the Hermitian transpose of 𝐴 and I is the identity matrix.
Secondly, I will use it to maximize a matrix multiplication of matrix B with N*N dimensions, so how to perform this matrix multiplication while 𝐴 remains both symmetric and unitary.
import random
import numpy as np
import cmath
import math
N = 4 # Matrices dimensions
B=np.array([[0.09+0.76j, 0.67+0.08j, 0.28+0.58j],
[0.47+0.82j, 0.85+0.07j, 0.13+0.49j],
[0.12+0.8j , 0.35+0.31j, 0.76+0.85j]])
result = A @ B
First find the unitary matrix U (the bulk of the stuff below). Then V=UTU will be symmetric and unitary.
The harder part is getting the unitary matrix U. A matrix is unitary if and only if its columns are orthonormal. (Dot products of different columns are 0; norm of each column is 1.) So you can construct such a matrix by the Gram-Schmidt process.
Imagine each column of your matrix is a vector. Dealing with each column in turn you (a) subtract the projections of previous column vectors; then (b) normalise this column. As long as you have independent columns (i.e. your original matrix was invertible) then this will produce orthonormal columns and hence a unitary matrix.
The following will produce a unitary matrix from a given matrix A. A unitary matrix is one for which the conjugate of its transpose is its inverse (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unitary_matrix ). It tests this at the end by multiplication to give the identity matrix (up to the usual floating-point accuracy).
You can improve this by (a) checking matrix A is invertible first (e.g. by calculating its determinant) and (b) formatting the output a bit more neatly.
import numpy as np
def makeUnitary( A ):
N = A.shape[0] # number of columns
U = A.copy()
# Gram-Schmidt process
U[:,0] /= np.linalg.norm( U[:,0] ) # normalise first column
for i in range( 1, N ): # make successive columns orthogonal
for j in range( i ): # by subtracting projections of previous columns
U[:,i] -= U[:,i].dot( U[:,j].conj() ) * U[:,j]
U[:,i] /= np.linalg.norm( U[:,i] ) # normalise column
return U
A=np.array([[0.09+0.76j, 0.67+0.08j, 0.28+0.58j],
[0.47+0.82j, 0.85+0.07j, 0.13+0.49j],
[0.12+0.8j , 0.35+0.31j, 0.76+0.85j]])
U = makeUnitary( A ) # a unitary matrix
V = U.T @ U # symmetrised unitary matrix
print( "Original matrix:\n", A )
print( "\nSymmetric unitary matrix constructed from it:\n", V )
print( "\nCheck V.V(conj)T (should be identity matrix):\n", V @ V.conj().T )
Original matrix:
[[0.09+0.76j 0.67+0.08j 0.28+0.58j]
[0.47+0.82j 0.85+0.07j 0.13+0.49j]
[0.12+0.8j 0.35+0.31j 0.76+0.85j]]
Symmetric unitary matrix constructed from it:
[[-0.77181963+0.51542139j 0.15837321+0.05726809j -0.30709606+0.12635484j]
[ 0.15837321+0.05726809j 0.40398494-0.53221372j -0.43217941-0.581725j ]
[-0.30709606+0.12635484j -0.43217941-0.581725j 0.55047024-0.24804427j]]
Check V.V(conj)T (should be identity matrix):
[[1.00000000e+00-2.05296819e-18j 3.93579786e-16-6.38754713e-16j
[3.93579786e-16+6.24994617e-16j 1.00000000e+00-1.58327863e-18j
[6.37756498e-17+6.55406471e-16j 1.09796762e-16+1.49124945e-16j
A unitary matrix can be diagonalised (i.e. written as Q-1.diag.Q). Powers of U can then be computed quickly simply by taking powers of the elements in the diagonal matrix.