
requiredDeploymentEnvironments is not getting selected using graphql

I am trying to enable the below in the branch protection.

enter image description here


curl -X POST   -H "Authorization: Bearer <PAT>"   -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -d '{
    "query": "mutation { createBranchProtectionRule(input: { repositoryId: \"REPO_ID\", pattern: \"release/*\", requiresApprovingReviews: true,  requiresCodeOwnerReviews: true, requiredApprovingReviewCount: 1 , requireLastPushApproval: true,  requiresConversationResolution: true,  dismissesStaleReviews: true ,  requiresStrictStatusChecks: true , requiresStatusChecks: true ,restrictsPushes : true , requiredDeploymentEnvironments: [\"dev\"]}) { branchProtectionRule { id } } }"

output :


However it is not getting selected in the protection rule.

enter image description here


  • Mutation createBranchProtectionRule needs an input

    requiresDeployments: true

    in order to enforce deployments.

    This mutation creates a BPR with "Require deployments to succeed before merging" checked and environment dev selected:

    mutation { 
      createBranchProtectionRule(input: { 
      repositoryId: "REPO_ID", 
      pattern: "release/*", 
      requiresDeployments: true, 
      requiredDeploymentEnvironments: ["dev"]
        branchProtectionRule { id } 