
Get last three course with duplicate row

I use oracle as a database. I want to get the courses of last three semesters ordered by semester.

This is an example of data:

semester course userId

10       a       EM-1
8        b       EM-1
9        c       EM-1
9        h       EM-1
2        d       EM-1
2        v       EM-1
2        b       EM-1
3        c       EM-1
3        a       EM-1
3        J       EM-1
3        K       EM-1
3        M       EM-1

The correct result should be:

2        d       EM-1
2        v       EM-1
2        b       EM-1
3        c       EM-1
3        a       EM-1
3        J       EM-1
3        K       EM-1
3        M       EM-1
8        b       EM-1

I tried without success with:

  SELECT semester, course
       , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY course) rno
  FROM emp
 ORDER BY course
WHERE rno <= 3


  • You should be using DENSE_RANK() on the semester:

    WITH cte AS (
        SELECT e.*, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY semester) dr
        FROM emp e
    SELECT semester, course, userId
    FROM cte
    WHERE dr <= 3
    ORDER BY semester;