
SAS proc sql: select for each value the right interval

Suppose there is a list of clients and each client has different contracts that have a due date. For each client, I want to select the contract with the first following duedate after a given reference date.

For example:

Table contracts:

Client Contract Due_date
Anthony Contract A1 2023/03/05
Anthony Contract A2 2024/03/05
Anthony Contract A3 2025/03/05
Bart Contract B1 2024/05/01
Bart Contract B2 2024/08/01
Bart Contract B3 2024/11/01
Bart Contract B4 2024/05/01
Carla Contract C1 2023/10/03
Carla Contract C2 2024/10/03

Today we are 2024/08/19, so I would want to select for each client 1 contract that will be due firstly after today. So what I want is

Client Contract
Anthony Contract A3
Bart Contract B3
Carla Contract C2

What i would like to do is

proc sql;
create table DueContracts as (
select Client
       , contract 
from contracts
where due_date = min (due dates that are larger than *reference date*)

The where clause is obviously pseude code, I don't know how to do this. I can do it for one seperate clients, but I don't know how to do it for all clients at once.


  • You are very close. You need to do pre-processing with where and post-processing with having. Think of it in two steps:

    1. Get all due dates that are > the reference date (19AUG2024)
    2. For each of those clients with due dates > 19AUG2024, filter to the date that is equal to the minimum of those dates

    Here's how that looks:

    proc sql;
        create table DueContracts as
            select Client, Contract 
            from contracts
            where due_date > '19AUG2024'd
            group by client
            having due_date = min(due_date)
    Client  Contract
    Anthony Contract A3
    Bart    Contract B3
    Carla   Contract C2