
How to disable the warning message for g4f version deprecation?

I am using this code to get my response out of the model :

from g4f.client import Client

client = Client()

response =
    messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hello"}],

This code is run through subprocess.Popen() call like so:

p = subprocess.Popen(['C:\\Python38\\python.exe','-Wignore', 'C:\\Users\\user\\proj\\projName\\'],
                             stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, env=env)

But the call to generates this warning message before actually returning the model response:

New g4f version: (current: | pip install -U g4f

My question is how to suppress that warning message from being generated by the mentioned call?


  • You can suppress it using the warnings module:

    import warnings

    Or, you can resolve the issue by upgrading the g4f package to the latest version via pip install -U g4f

    You can also use sys.stdout to redirect standard output temporarily.

    For example:

    # Save the current stdout
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    # Redirect all output that would normally go to stdout (e.g., the console) into a buffer instead
    sys.stdout = io.StringIO()
    # Call the g4f function that generates the warning here
    # Restore stdout to its original state
    sys.stdout = old_stdout