I have implemented the abstract factory design pattern with Python and I see that it gives me the following error. this is my code :
Abstract Factory
- Abstract Factory Pattern serves to provide
an interface for creating related/dependent
objects without need to specify their actual class
Car => Benz, Bmw => Suv, Coupe
benz suv = gla
bmw suv => x1
benz coupe => cls bmw coupe =>m2
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Car(ABC): # Abstract Factory
def call_suv(self):
def call_coupe(self):
class Benz(Car): # Concrete Factory 1
def call_suv(self):
return Gla
def call_coupe(self):
return Cls
class Bmw(Car): # Concrete Factory 2
def call_suv(self):
return X1
def call_coupe(self):
return M2
class Suv(ABC): # Abstract Product 1
def create_suv(self):
class Coupe(ABC): # Abstract Product 2
def create_coupe(self):
class Gla(Suv): # Product 1-1
def create_suv(self):
print(f" Benz + suv => Gla")
class X1(Suv): # Product 2-1
def create_suv(self):
print(f" Bmw + suv => X1")
class M2(Coupe): # Product 2-2
def create_coupe(self):
print(f" Bmw + coupe => M2")
class Cls(Coupe):# Product 1-2
def create_coupe(self):
print(f" Benz + coupe => Cls")
def client_suv(order): #client
brand = {"bmw": Bmw, "benz": Benz}
result = brand[order]().call_suv()
def client_coupe(order):#client
brand = {"bmw": Bmw, "benz": Benz}
result = brand[order]().call_coupe()
and error :
❯ python abstract_factory.py ─╯
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/hmidreza/Desktop/proj/design pattern/abstract_factory.py", line 84, in \<module\>
File "/Users/hmidreza/Desktop/proj/design pattern/abstract_factory.py", line 82, in client_coupe
TypeError: Cls.create_coupe() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
The issue arises because the call_coupe() method of the Benz and Bmw classes is returning the class itself (e.g., return Cls
), not an instance of the class. So, this is why when you are calling create_coupe() it calls it as a static method.
To solve the problem, you need to return class instances instead (e.g. return Cls()
so the correct code could be :
Abstract Factory
- Abstract Factory Pattern serves to provide
an interface for creating related/dependent
objects without need to specify their actual class
Car => Benz, Bmw => Suv, Coupe
benz suv = gla
bmw suv => x1
benz coupe => cls bmw coupe =>m2
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Car(ABC): # Abstract Factory
def call_suv(self):
def call_coupe(self):
class Benz(Car): # Concrete Factory 1
def call_suv(self):
return Gla()
def call_coupe(self):
return Cls()
class Bmw(Car): # Concrete Factory 2
def call_suv(self):
return X1()
def call_coupe(self):
return M2()
class Suv(ABC): # Abstract Product 1
def create_suv(self):
class Coupe(ABC): # Abstract Product 2
def create_coupe(self):
class Gla(Suv): # Product 1-1
def create_suv(self):
print(f" Benz + suv => Gla")
class X1(Suv): # Product 2-1
def create_suv(self):
print(f" Bmw + suv => X1")
class M2(Coupe): # Product 2-2
def create_coupe(self):
print(f" Bmw + coupe => M2")
class Cls(Coupe):# Product 1-2
def create_coupe(self):
print(f" Benz + coupe => Cls")
def client_suv(order): #client
brand = {"bmw": Bmw, "benz": Benz}
result = brand[order]().call_suv()
def client_coupe(order):#client
brand = {"bmw": Bmw, "benz": Benz}
result = brand[order]().call_coupe()