
Google PlayConsole do tests with untrusted devices so PlayIntegrity checks fail

I implemented PlayIntegrity in my App to check the license (App downloaded from GooglePlay) and device integrity (not rooted device and a trust one by Google). If one of these check fail, I open my GooglePlay App page so the user can download the official version.

The problem occurs when I need to publish an update of my App on Google PlayConsole: here, even pre-launch tests are all passed, the next review step done by Google fails because they use virtual devices or a version of my App not downloaded from GooglePlay so the PlayIntegrity licence check fails, correctly!

But in this case, PlayConsole reject my update with the reason "Your app contains content that isn't compliant with the Broken Functionality policy: App loads, but not responsive".

So, how can I use PlayIntegrity without make the Google tests fail?

There is something that I need to do programmatically?


  • I have a similar experience with something close to your problem, and I would fix it this way:

    Google play new help feature

    Note: even though they listed supported countries they can call anyone outside these countries.

    I am positive that this will solve your problem. Good luck