
Unpivoting a dataframe by splitting column names

I have the following dataframe:

volume_brand1 volume_productX_brand1 amount_brand1 amount_productX_brand1 volume_productX_brand2 amount_productX_brand2
1000 100 10 50 2000 200


I would like to unpivot this dataframe to look the following:

brand product volume amount
brand1 productX 100 50
brand1 "not product X" 1000 10
brand2 productX 2000 200


I've tried using pandas' melt function but have not been successful. As every column has to be unpivoted there is no value for id_vars any help would be appreciated!


  • Another possible solution:

    df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(
        r'(volume|amount)_(brand)', r'\1_NotProductX_\2', regex=True)
    d = df.stack().reset_index()
        d, d['level_1'].str.split('_', expand=True)], axis=1).iloc[:, [5, 4, 3, 2]]
     .set_axis(['brand', 'product', 'metric', 'value'], axis=1)
     .pivot(index=['brand', 'product'], columns='metric', values='value')


    metric   brand      product  amount  volume
    0       brand1  NotProductX      10    1000
    1       brand1     productX      50     100
    2       brand2     productX     200    2000