
Finding Number of rows in a collection

I was using the upsert function to insert around 7k rows with unique primary key values multiple times to see how the upsert works. After insertion I tried to find the number of rows in the collection using the following methods :


num_entities = client.get_collection_stats(collection_name)["row_count"]

print(f"Number of entities in the collection: {num_entities}")


Each of them where returning the count as 46k which included the rows that should have been deleted. While this returned exactly the 7k unique ids :

query_result = collection.query(
    expr="id != ''",

I also couldn't see the duplicate rows when doing searching or querying. What is the cause for this behavior and if i want to get actual number of rows in the collection excluding the deleted ones how to get that ?


  • results = collection.query(expr="", output_fields=["count(*)"], consistency_level="Strong")

    query_result = collection.query(expr="id != ''", output_fields=["id"]) is also a real query operation that returns all the unique ids in the collection.

    To understand it clear, read this example:

    import random
    import time
    from pymilvus import (
        connections, utility, Collection, FieldSchema, CollectionSchema, DataType)
    connections.connect(host="localhost", port=19530)
    dim = 128
    metric_type = "COSINE"
    collection_name = "test"
    schema = CollectionSchema(
            FieldSchema(name="id", dtype=DataType.INT64, is_primary=True, auto_id=False),
            FieldSchema(name="vector", dtype = DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, dim=dim),
    collection = Collection(collection_name, schema)
    print(collection_name, "created")
    index_params = {
        'metric_type': metric_type,
        'index_type': "FLAT",
        'params': {},
    collection.create_index(field_name="vector", index_params=index_params)
    # insert 7k items with unique ids
    batch = 7000
    data = [
        [k for k in range(batch)],
        [[random.random() for _ in range(dim)] for _ in range(batch)],
    print(collection_name, "data inserted")
    # call upsert to repeat update the 7k items
    for i in range(6):
    print(collection_name, "data upserted")
    collection.flush() # call flush() here to force the buffer to be flushed to sealed segments. In practice, we don't recommend manually call this method
    print("num_entities =", collection.num_entities) # expect 49k
    # consistency_level = Stong to ensure all the data is consumed by querynode and queryable
    # see
    results = collection.query(expr="", output_fields=["count(*)"], consistency_level="Strong")
    print("query((count(*)) =", results) # expect 7k
    query_result = collection.query(expr="id >= 0", output_fields=["id"], consistency_level="Strong")
    print("query(id >= 0) =", len(query_result)) # expect 7k

    The result of this script:

    test created
    test data inserted
    test data upserted
    num_entities = 49000
    query((count(*)) = data: ["{'count(*)': 7000}"] 
    query(id >= 0) = 7000