
Accessing Partner Center customers via API

First off, my question is equivalent to this post on the MS forums, but nobody has resolved it.

I am trying to get access to any API that allows me to view user counts for all our customers, Graph or Partner Center API.

My two basic requirements:

I've read the docs for the Partner Center API and I am following the REST authentication example, but the Partner Center API returns a 403 error no matter how I try to authenticate.

I am using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate with the{tenantId}/oauth2/token route with grant_type: client_credentials and resource:, as stated in the documentation linked above.

This successfully returns a token, however when I use that as Bearer for the route, I get a 403 Forbidden error.

I've also found this other token route that is not referenced in other documentation. When I try sending a POST to with this access token as bearer and grant_type: jwt_token, I get back {"error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "Invalid authorization bearer is passed"}.


  • The error "The client application TenantID is missing service principal in the tenant CustomerTenantID" usually occurs if the Multitenant application is not present in the Customer Tenant as Service principal.

    To access all tenants with the same application, check the below:

    Assuming your tenant as TenantA and customer tenant as CustomerTenant

    Created a multi-tenant application in TenantA by selecting "Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Microsoft Entra ID tenant - Multitenant)" and grant User.Read.All Microsoft Graph API permission:

    enter image description here

    Now to resolve the error, make use of below endpoint and login with the CustomerTenant Global Admin account, so that it creates Service Principal in CustomerTenant*: 

    enter image description here

    Once, you click on Accept and go to CustomerTenant -> Enterprise applications -> Search the application:

    The service principal is created in the CustomerTenant and the API permissions is granted:

    enter image description here

    Now generate the access token for Microsoft Graph API to access users of CustomerTenant

    Grant type: Authorization code 
    Callback URL:
    Auth URL:
    Token URL :
    Client ID : ClientID
    Client Secret : ClientSecret

    I logged in with the CustomerTenant account and able to get the user details for the CustomerTenant successfully:

    enter image description here

    Now to test, I logged with TenantA account and got the users of TenantA :

    enter image description here


    azure - Search User Information Across different Microsoft Tenants - Stack Overflow by Tiny Wang

    azure - Is it possible to create a User (Microsoft Entra ID) for Tenant B from Tenant A? - Stack Overflow by me