As the title says, I am using the AlexaCRM/dynamics-webapi-toolkit package in a php project. I have some code where I retrieve multiple records (That part works). However, I need to add a sort of filter where I only get the ones that has "modifiedon" for the last X days. Here is current working code
$pagingInfo = new \AlexaCRM\Xrm\Query\PagingInfo();
$pagingInfo->Count = 10;
$client = ClientFactory::createOnlineClient(
$query = new QueryByAttribute('contact');
$query->ColumnSet = new \AlexaCRM\Xrm\ColumnSet(columnSet(true));
$query->PageInfo = $pagingInfo;
$result = $client->RetrieveMultiple($query);
The format for "modifiedon" is "2024-07-22T10:57:01Z". (This works if I put in the exact date for $query->AddAttributeValue("modifiedon", $twoDaysAgoDateTimeFormat);
I have tried adding a parameter as some other forum suggested, but it failed every time I did the request on this line:
$query->AddAttributeValue("modifiedon", 'ge ' . $twoDaysAgoDateTimeFormat);
$query->AddAttributeValue("modifiedon ge", $twoDaysAgoDateTimeFormat);
Any suggestions would be helpful.
First, the QueryByAttribute only supports operator " eq "
. You can refer to source code line 400.
You should use FetchExpression
Below code retrieves contacts that modified in the last 3 days:
$fetchXML = <<<FETCHXML
<fetch mapping="logical">
<entity name="contact">
<all-attributes />
<condition attribute="modifiedon" operator="last-x-days" value="3" />
$fetchExpression = new FetchExpression($fetchXML);
$collection = $client->RetrieveMultiple($fetchExpression);
Here is the official tutorial.
BTW, FetchXml can also be generated with Advanced find(step1-3) and FetchXML Builder.