
How to export to Excel Django object where every ForeignKey object a new column with import-export lib?

I have a model represents some item on stock:

(Code has been simplified)

class StockItem(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField()
    category = models.Charfield()
    stock = models.ForeignKey(Stock) # <- Here is few stocks
    quantity = models.IntegerField(default=0)

So every StockItem may exist on different stocks but with different q-ty remained. Is there a way to create ModelResource to export quantity remained for every stock?

Table example:

| ID |  Name  | Category | Stock A | Stock B |
|  1 | Item 1 | Cat 1    |       1 |       1 |
|  2 | Item 2 | Cat 2    |      10 |       8 |
|  3 | Item 3 | Cat 3    |      14 |      32 |

My ModelResource:

class StockItemsRemainingsResource(resources.ModelResource):

    class Meta:
        model = models.StockItem
        fields = ('name', 'category')

    def __init__(self):
            for item in self.get_queryset():
                stock_name =
                self.fields[f"quantity_{stock_name}"] = fields.Field(

I was trying to override the __init__ method but probably did it wrong.


  • After hours of search I was able to achive such a structure overriding export_field() after exploring some library's code.

    In my case I had to create a required fields overriding __init__ method first but using a normal fields.Field class to prepare these fields for manual population in export_field() method:

    def __init__(self):
            stocks = models.Stock.objects.all()
            for stock in stocks:
                field_name = f'stock_{}'
                self.fields[field_name] = fields.Field(

    The final step I made is to override export_field(self, field, instance) which takes every instance on queryset iteration to every field of resource for processing. In my case I checked a field name and in case it matches with one of the stock fields I will count a q-ty of instance related to particular stock and return it (return super() otherwise). My code :

    def export_field(self, field, instance):
            # overrided to populate dynamic fields (stock quantity)
            # If field is stock ("stock_{id}") then extract and ID for querying
            # an actual quantity
            if field.attribute.startswith("stock"):
                stock_id = field.attribute.split("_")[-1]
                stock = models.Stock.objects.filter(pk=stock_id).first()
                return instance.get_stock_quantity(stock) if stock else None
                return super().export_field(field, instance)

    Probably not the best approach and I have a guess it's may be achived utilizing dehydrate_method which may be assigned to field.Field(dehydrate_method=some_method()) instance but wasn't search for a solution in that direction.