I've certain chromosomal locations called bands. I'm interested to generate combinations of them and then using ggplot's geom_tile
plot them. Ideally, they should appear as a diagonal (upper or lower).
However, I'm unable to achieve it. I've tried different approaches but in vain.
chrom_locations <- c("10q23.31", "12p13.33", "12q24.33", "14q32.33", "17q21.33", "19p13.11", "19q13.31", "19q13.42", "19q13.43", "20q13.33", "22q11.22", "22q13.33")
combinations_list <- combn(( chrom_locations), 2, simplify = FALSE)
len_combinations_list<-length(combinations_list) ## 120
df_pairs_pvalue <- data.frame(
band1 = character(len_combinations_list), # Numeric column
band2 = character(len_combinations_list), # Character column
count_both = numeric(len_combinations_list)
df_pairs_pvalue <- data.frame(
band1 = character(len_combinations_list), # Numeric column
band2 = character(len_combinations_list), # Character column
count_both = numeric(len_combinations_list)
for(x in seq(1,len_combinations_list )){
##store in df_paris data frame
df_pairs_pvalue[x,"band1"]<- band1
df_pairs_pvalue[x,"band2"]<- band2
df_pairs_pvalue[x,"count_both"]<- c(sample(1:100, 1, replace = T))
sorted_locations <- stringr::str_sort(chrom_locations, numeric = TRUE)
# Reorder the levels of band1 and band2
df_pairs_pvalue$band1 <- factor(df_pairs_pvalue$band1, levels = sorted_locations)
df_pairs_pvalue$band2 <- factor(df_pairs_pvalue$band2, levels = sorted_locations)
ggplot(df_pairs_pvalue, aes(band2, band1)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = count_both ), color = "black") +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "#075AFF",
mid = "#FFFFCC",
high = "#FF0000",
midpoint = 0, # This sets the middle point of the scale in data terms
limits = c(0, 130), # Replace -3 and 3 with your actual data range min and max
breaks = seq(0, 100, 10), # Customize breaks if needed, or adjust according to your data range
labels = seq(0, 100, 10))
I've tried other way to sort as:
desired_order <-gtools::mixedsort( rownames( df_focal_cna_filtered_xposed))
df_pairs_pvalue_adj$band1 <- factor(df_pairs_pvalue_adj$band1, levels = desired_order)
df_pairs_pvalue_adj$band2 <- factor(df_pairs_pvalue_adj$band2, levels = desired_order)
This also doesn't work.
Any help would be highly appreciated
## make your factors `ordered` so comparisons like `<` and `>` work
df_pairs_pvalue$band1 <- factor(df_pairs_pvalue$band1, levels = sorted_locations, ordered = TRUE)
df_pairs_pvalue$band2 <- factor(df_pairs_pvalue$band2, levels = sorted_locations, ordered = TRUE)
## use pmin and pmax to get the row-wise min and max factor values
df_pairs_pvalue$minband = with(df_pairs_pvalue, pmin(band1, band2))
df_pairs_pvalue$maxband = with(df_pairs_pvalue, pmax(band1, band2))
## use those row-wise min and max values as the x and y aesthetics
ggplot(df_pairs_pvalue, aes(minband, maxband)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = count_both ), color = "black") +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "#075AFF",
mid = "#FFFFCC",
high = "#FF0000",
midpoint = 0, # This sets the middle point of the scale in data terms
limits = c(0, 130), # Replace -3 and 3 with your actual data range min and max
breaks = seq(0, 100, 10), # Customize breaks if needed, or adjust according to your data range
labels = seq(0, 100, 10))