I want to get better persistence of the data of a docker image
my current docker-compose file have a simple definition to persist data
- pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data:Z
driver: local
In order to avoid data loss if volume is removed and get a better control on the data I want to switch to something like
- pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data:Z
driver: local
o: bind
type: none
device: /my/path
external: true
But is it possible to get the existing data from the old volume to /my/path before or during that switch ? (or temporary mouting both to the same target for the old one to overwrite /my/path ?)
For what it's worth, I think using a Docker volume (what you're doing in the first example) is better practice than using a bind mount (what you're doing in the second example). Using bind mounts often but not always brings ownership and permission challenges that you largely sidestep by letting Docker manage the storage.
With respect to your question, just start a container that mounts your existing pgdata
volume and bind mounts /my/path
and then just copy data between the two:
docker run --rm -it -v pgdata:/src -v /my/path:/dest alpine sh
/ # cp -a /src/* /dest/*
Or perform a database dump and restore. Dump data from your existing database:
$ docker exec postgres pg_dump my_db_name > pg.dump
And then start the new database and import the data:
$ docker exec postgres psql my_db_name < pg.dump