In the gradient descent page on the intro to machine-learning course provided by google provided are features and corresponding labels, MSE loss function, initial datasets, and results. I am having difficulty verifying the results that they have and I am wondering if anyone can assist in confirming whether or not I am making a mistake or they are.
I have the following:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = [3.5, 18], [3.69, 15], [3.44, 18], [3.43, 16], [4.34, 15], [4.42, 14], [2.37, 24]
initial_data_df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['pounds','mpg'])
number_of_iterations = 6
weight = 0 # initialize weights
bias = 0 # initialize weights
weight_slope = 0
bias_slope = 0
final_results_df = pd.DataFrame()
learning_rate = 0.01
for i in range(number_of_iterations):
loss = calculate_loss(initial_data_df,weight,bias)
final_results_df = update_results(final_results_df,weight,bias,loss)
weight_slope = find_weight_slope(initial_data_df,weight,bias)
bias_slope = find_bias_slope(initial_data_df,weight,bias)
weight = new_weight_update(weight,learning_rate,weight_slope)
bias = new_bias_update(bias,learning_rate,bias_slope)
def calculate_loss(df,weight,bias):
loss_summation = []
for i in range(0,len(df)):
return (sum(loss_summation)//len(df))
def update_results(df,weight,bias,loss):
if df.empty:
df = pd.DataFrame([[weight,bias,loss]],columns=['weight','bias','loss'])
df = pd.concat([df,pd.DataFrame([[weight,bias,loss]],columns=df.columns)])
return df
def find_weight_slope(df,weight,bias):
weight_update_summation = []
for i in range(0,len(df)):
wx_plus_b = (weight*df['pounds'][i])+bias
wx_plus_b_minus_y = wx_plus_b-df['mpg'][i]
return sum(weight_update_summation)//len(df)
def find_bias_slope(df,weight,bias):
bias_update_summation = []
for i in range(0,len(df)):
wx_plus_b = (weight*df['pounds'][i])+bias
wx_plus_b_minus_y = wx_plus_b-df['mpg'][i]
total_sum = sum(bias_update_summation)
return total_sum//len(df)
def new_weight_update(old_weight,lr,slope):
return old_weight-1*lr*slope
def new_bias_update(old_bias,lr,slope):
return old_bias-1*lr*slope
Which yields:
iter weight bias loss
0 0.00 0.00 303.0
0 1.20 0.35 170.0
0 2.06 0.60 102.0
0 2.67 0.79 67.0
0 3.10 0.93 50.0
0 3.41 1.04 41.0
This differs from the provided solution provided on the website:
Iteration Weight Bias Loss (MSE)
1 0 0 303.71
2 1.2 0.34 170.67
3 2.75 0.59 67.3
4 3.17 0.72 50.63
5 3.47 0.82 42.1
6 3.68 0.9 37.74
So I made some minor adjustments to my script based on the feedback from the AI chat bot provided by google. See below:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def main():
data = [3.5, 18], [3.69, 15], [3.44, 18], [3.43, 16], [4.34, 15], [4.42, 14], [2.37, 24]
initial_data_df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['pounds','mpg'])
number_of_iterations = 6
weight = 0 # initialize weights
bias = 0 # initialize weights
weight_slope = 0
bias_slope = 0
final_results_df = pd.DataFrame()
learning_rate = 0.01
for i in range(number_of_iterations):
loss = round(calculate_loss(initial_data_df,weight,bias),2)
final_results_df = update_results(final_results_df,weight,bias,loss)
weight_slope = find_weight_slope(initial_data_df,weight,bias)
bias_slope = find_bias_slope(initial_data_df,weight,bias)
weight = round(new_weight_update(weight,learning_rate,weight_slope),2)
bias = round(new_bias_update(bias,learning_rate,bias_slope),2)
def calculate_loss(df,weight,bias):
loss_summation = []
for i in range(0,len(df)):
return (sum(loss_summation)/len(df))
def update_results(df,weight,bias,loss):
if df.empty:
df = pd.DataFrame([[weight,bias,loss]],columns=['weight','bias','loss'])
df = pd.concat([df,pd.DataFrame([[weight,bias,loss]],columns=df.columns)])
return df
def find_weight_slope(df,weight,bias):
slope = []
for i in range(0,len(df)):
predicted_mpg = (weight*df['pounds'][i])+bias # predicted_mpg = (weight * car_weight) + bias
error = predicted_mpg-df['mpg'][i]
return sum(slope)/len(df)
def find_bias_slope(df,weight,bias):
slope = []
for i in range(0,len(df)):
predicted_mpg = (weight*df['pounds'][i])+bias # predicted_mpg = (weight * car_weight) + bias
error = predicted_mpg-df['mpg'][i]
return sum(slope)/len(df)
def new_weight_update(old_weight,lr,slope):
return old_weight-(lr*slope)
def new_bias_update(old_bias,lr,slope):
return old_bias-(lr*slope)
if __name__=='__main__':
With these changes I get the following results:
weight bias loss
0 0.00 0.00 303.71
0 1.20 0.34 170.67
0 2.05 0.59 103.22
0 2.66 0.77 68.66
0 3.09 0.91 51.13
0 3.40 1.01 42.11
I provided the calculated weighted slope to get the next updated weight which should be the third iteration weight value.
With these results and documentation I would conclude that google's example results are incorrect for gradient descent.