I am running PyInstaller
on a Raspberry Pi device to compile a standalone Python script. My script is intended to always run with sudo
. It requires smbus, psutil, pyudev, netifaces
libraries installed system wide with sudo apt install python3-...
Now to use the PyInstaller
I created a virtual environment, activated it, and used pyinstaller --onefile nas_script.py
to compile. But when I try to execute it /home/marus/NAS_script/build/nas_script
I get an exception saying that it cannot find smbus
The smbus
is not found neither with pip show smbus
nor sudo pip show smbus
. It is only found by dpkg -l | grep smbus
as python3-smbus:arm64
When I run PyInstaller it says:
314 INFO: Module search paths (PYTHONPATH):
So how can I tell PyInstaller where to find the smbus
and how to include it in my standalone executable ?
First locate the smbus Library then copy smbus Module to Your venv Now that the smbus module is available in your virtual environment, you can rebuild the executable:
Alternatively you can modify the PyInstaller spec file to include specific paths where these libraries reside:
a = Analysis(['nas_script.py'],
If PyInstaller doesn't automatically detect these modules, try the --hidden-import option:
pyinstaller --onefile --hidden-import=smbus nas_script.py
I suggest you use Auto PY to EXE : It is more or less a pyinstaller UI