
How to configure priority for a FCM message in JSON format?

I made a Cloud Function that sends FCM messages, and is written in Python. The JSON is configured as follows... But I'am not surse how to set and

How to set an Enum in a JSON ? As a string ? And if so, does character case matters ?

I don't understand what is the type of the enum items on these two keys values... Is it string like "HIGH" and "NORMAL", or some integer constants ?

And a secondary question... What should I set so that my FCM message is delivered right away even when the phone screen is closed, and notify the user with sound ?

# Construct the message payload
message = {
  'message': {
      'token': app_token,
      'android': {
          'priority': 'high',
          'notification': {
              'title': msg_title,
              'body' : msg_body,
              'icon' : 'ic_app_mono',
              'color': '#FF0000',
              'sound': 'default', 
              'notification_priority': 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' }} 

# Use ADC to get the credentials
credentials = default()[0]

# Send the message
result = SendMessage(credentials, message)


  • The key is notification_priority and the value must be one of enum NotificationPriority: PRIORITY_UNSPECIFIED, PRIORITY_MIN, PRIORITY_LOW, PRIORITY_DEFAULT, PRIORITY_HIGH, PRIORITY_MAX... on the sending side.

    The equivalent on Android (locally) would be NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_*. It does not really matter how "important" a notification is, it only matters what is being set, when passing it to NotificationManager... on the receiving side.