I have a script that saves x amount parts of a SW assembly into step/xt, based on the input of a userform. This works really well. However, I want to add a messagebox that asks "Do you want to overwrite this file" as soon as the user saves a file that already exists in the folder. This must be part of a loop, so that they can determine it for every single part.
In my script below, I tried something, but if I "un-comment" it, my script does not save anything at all. Can anyone give me advice on how to improve it so that it will work?
contains the parts the user wants to save, determined by checkboxes, and is different everytime.
Public Sub UserInput(InputMldPartNrFS, InputMldPartNrMS, InputREVCodeNr, InputCheckBxFS, InputCheckBxMS, OptionExtension, InputArrayParts As String)
'Create new pathname
ExtInit = ".SLDPRT" 'Old extension
ExtNew = OptionExtension 'Input from userform: either X_T or STEP
MldPartNrFS = InputMldPartNrFS 'Input from userform
MldPartNrMS = InputMldPartNrMS 'Input from userform
REVCodeNR = "[REV" + InputREVCodeNr + "]" 'Input from userform
ArrayList = Split(InputArrayParts, ",")
For i = LBound(ArrayList) To UBound(ArrayList) 'Run loop x times depending on the amount of selected checkboxes in the userform
'Assign moldcode number on either FS or MS parts
Select Case ArrayList(i)
Case "part1", "part2", "part3", "part4" 'If part contains these names
mldpartcode = MldPartNrFS 'Then assign the code for FS
Case Else 'If the names are not as written above
mldpartcode = MldPartNrMS 'Then assign the code for MS
End Select
initName = PathCut + ArrayList(i) + ExtInit
finalName = PathCut & "XT\" & NumPart(initName) & "_" & mldpartcode & " " & ArrayList(i) & " " & REVCodeNR & ExtNew
Debug.Print "finalName = ", finalName
'Open and activate the correct model
Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(initName, 1, 0, "", nStatus, nWarnings) 'Open the model
Set swModelActivated = swApp.ActivateDoc3(initName, False, swRebuildOnActivation_e.swUserDecision, nErrors) 'Activate the model
Set swModelToExport = swApp.ActiveDoc 'Get the activated model
Debug.Print "strModelName = ", strModelName
'Save the file if it does not exist yet
Dim FileNameOverwrite
If Not Dir(finalName, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
FileNameOverwrite = MsgBox("Filename " & finalNameCut & " already exists. Do you want to overwrite?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "File overwrite")
If FileNameOverwrite = vbNo Then
Exit Sub ' Stop the code execution, no more looping
End If
End If
swModelToExport.Extension.SaveAs3 finalName, 0, 1, Nothing, Nothing, nErrors, nWarnings
'Reopen assembly
Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(PathInit, 1, 0, "", nStatus, nWarnings) 'Open the model
Set swModelActivated = swApp.ActivateDoc3(PathInit, False, swRebuildOnActivation_e.swUserDecision, nErrors) 'Activate the model
Set swModelToExport = swApp.ActiveDoc 'Get the activated model
End Sub
EDIT: The shown code works now. ADDITIONALLY, I have another follow-up question.
If I save multiple files that already exist, I want the user to determine if they want to overwrite it for each file. With the current code, this is happening:
Intentionally I saved part 1 and part 4, but the names already exists. Therefore, the Do you want to overwrite messagebox pops up. If I say I want to overwrite, it automatically goes on to the other double files. If I cancle however, it goes back to the userform. In this case, it is never an option to choose to overwrite "Part 4" after I selected "no" for the first part.
How can I adapt my code, so that it also loops through all parts when I cancel? Thank you in advance.
Question: but if I "un-comment" it, my script does not save anything at all
is missing.SaveAs3
in your script.Pls try.
'Save the file if it does not exist yet
Dim FileNameOverwrite
If Not Dir(finalName, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
FileNameOverwrite = MsgBox("This filename already exists. Do you want to overwrite?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "File overwrite")
If FileNameOverwrite = vbNo Then
MsgBox "Dit doet nog niks"
Exit Sub ' stop the code execution, no more looping
End If
End If
swModelToExport.Extension.SaveAs3 finalName, 0, 1, Nothing, Nothing, nErrors, nWarnings