This code was working fine until a few days ago. However, we noticed that it is failing exactly after downloading 40 files. I don't remember changing any configuration parameters in the recent past.
Tried isolating by validating these scenarios:
What's puzzling is - why the download is failing exactly after the 40th file? The client (browser) is getting the error "Unable to download the zip file. Please retry on a high speed internet connection or contact support, if issue persists!". This is the response returned to the client from catch block.
Of course, this error can be fixed. But, it doesn't help the user to download beyond 40 files even if there are more.
I'm out of my wits here. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here below the sanitized code:
public function downloadZip(Request $request) {
$reqdata = $request->all();
$ordref = @$reqdata['ordref'];
$usrnumber = @$reqdata['usrnumber'];
if (!$ordref || !$usrnumber) {
//check if parameters passed valid
echo json_encode($data);
$this->db = DB::table("orders AS o");
$details = $this->db->select("", "o.ref", "", "o.folder_id", "o.price","o.is_download")
if (!$details) {
return redirect("/");
//check if json is valid
$images = $this->processphotos($details->photos);
// find photo ids from DB
$dbimages = $this->getimagesbyids($imageids);
$imageNames = [];
foreach ($dbimages as $item) {
$thumbName = $item->imgurl;
array_push($imageNames, array('image' => $thumbName, 'category' => $item->category, 'id' => $item->id));
if (!$imageNames) {
//return No images found error.
$zipimages = [];
$public_dir = public_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'downloads' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$zipimagesarray = array();
$imagepatharray = explode("/", $imageNames[0]['image']);
$imagename = end($imagepatharray);
$ctr = 100;
foreach ($imageNames as $row) {
$imgtype = 'jpg';
$prefix = $usrnumber.'_';
$imagename = $prefix . $ctr . $imgtype;
$signedurl = $this->getpresignedurl($row['image']);
@ File::copy($signedurl, $public_dir . $imagename);
array_push($zipimagesarray, array('path' => $public_dir, "image" => $imagename));
$imageZip = [];
$certZip = [];
foreach ($zipimagesarray as $imagePublic) {
$path = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$imagePublic['path']);
$zipImage = $imagePublic['path'] . $imagePublic['image'];
array_push($imageZip, $zipImage);
try {
$zipName = $usrnumber . date('G:i:s') . ".zip";
Zipper::make(public_path('downloadOrder/' . $zipName))->add($imageZip)->close();
$file = "/download/" . $zipName;
$data['result'] = array();
$data['result'] = url('/') . $file ;
$data['statusCode'] = 200;
$data['hasError'] = false;
$data['message'] = "Images retrieval is successful.";
return response($data)->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
$data['result'] = array();
$data['statusCode'] = 400;
$data['hasError'] = true;
$data['message'] = "Unable to download the zip file. Please retry on a high speed internet connection or contact support, if issue persists!";
Log::error("Api::downloadZip - orderId: " . $data['Message'] . " " . $ex->getMessage());
return response($data)->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
function getpresignedurl($key, $s3Client = null) {
$s3_env = [];
$Bucket = "xxxxx";
if (is_null($s3Client)) {
$s3_env = array('region' => config('aws.AWS_REGION'),
'credentials' => ['key' => config('aws.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), 'secret' => config('aws.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')]);
$s3Client = \App::make('aws')->createClient('s3', $s3_env);
//Creating a presigned URL
$cmd = $s3Client->getCommand('GetObject', [
'Bucket' => $Bucket,
'Key' => $key
$request = $s3Client->createPresignedRequest($cmd, '+30 minutes');
$signedurl = (string) $request->getUri();
return $signedurl;
Well, This is not the exact solution for the issue reported.
I have addressed it by implementing entirely a new approach. Introduced a new method downloadFile
and used AWS SDK GetObject
command to download the files. Even saveAs
parameter in GetObject
did not come to the rescue. This solution getObject with SaveAs not working in sdk v3 helped.
function downloadFile($key, $destination, $s3Client = null) {
$s3_env = [];
$Bucket = "xxxxx";
try {
if (is_null($s3Client)) {
$s3_env = array('region' => config('aws.AWS_REGION'),
'credentials' => ['key' => config('aws.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), 'secret' => config('aws.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')]);
$s3Client = \App::make('aws')->createClient('s3', $s3_env);
//Creating a presigned URL
$cmd = $s3Client->getCommand('GetObject', [
'Bucket' => $Bucket,
'Key' => $key,
'@http' => ['sink' => $destination]
$result = $s3Client->execute($cmd);
if ($result['@metadata']['statusCode'] === 200) {
return true;
} else {
Log::error("Api::downloadFile - Failed to download to $destination " . $result['@metadata']['statusCode']);
return false;
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
Log::error("Api::downloadFile - exception: $ex->getMessage()");
return false;
And in the main method downloadZip
, replaced these lines
$signedurl = $this->getpresignedurl($row['image']);
@ File::copy($signedurl, $public_dir . $imagename);
$destination = $public_dir . $imagename;
$result = $this->downloadFile($row['image'], $destination);
Also, to handle download failures, added an if
if (file_exists($public_dir . $imagename) {
array_push($zipimagesarray, array('path' => $public_dir, "image" => $imagename));
I'll wait for a few more days if someone can offer a solution on why automatic html encoding is happening after 40th file and then accept this as a solution.