I want to create the database for my app and I'm using floor database. I have created entity, dao and database class like below.
class User{
final int id;
final String name;
final String email;
User(this.id, this.name, this.email);
abstract class UserDao {
@Query('SELECT * FROM User')
Future<List<User>> findAllUsers();
@Query('DELETE FROM User WHERE id = :id')
Future<void> deleteUserById(int id);
Future<void> insertUser(User user);
@Database(version: 1, entities: [User])
abstract class Appdatabase extends FloorDatabase{
UserDao get userDao;
and I have created a database with name in my main.dart file like below.
final database = await $FloorAppdatabase.databaseBuilder("MY_DATABASE").build();
I can store the data like this database.userDao().insertUser(user);
But If i want to use database object in other file then I have to create it as a common one. Can someone help me how to create it as a common file and I can use it anywhere I want?
You can create a singleton class like the one below.
class DatabaseHelper {
static final DatabaseHelper instance = DatabaseHelper._internal();
late final AppDatabase database;
Future<void> initializeDatabase() async {
database = await $FloorAppDatabase.databaseBuilder("MY_DATABASE").build();
you initialize the database it in the main
Future<void> main() async {
await DatabaseHelper.instance.initializeDatabase();
runApp(const MyApp());
And later, you can call it from anywhere using:
final database = DatabaseHelper.instance.database;
final user = User(1, 'Test', 'test@example.com');
or you can use the get_it package, you initialize the database with get_it like:
Future<void> main() async {
GetIt.I.registerSingletonAsync<AppDatabase>(() async {
return $FloorAppDatabase.databaseBuilder("MY_DATABASE").build();
await GetIt.I.allReady();
runApp(const MyApp());
And later, you can call it from anywhere using:
final database = GetIt.instance<AppDatabase>();
final user = User(4, 'John Doe', 'john.doe@example.com');