
Unbox Error for override property in Swift?

import Foundation

enum OperationError: Error {
    case ioError(_ message: String)

    var localizedDescription: String {
        switch self {
        case .ioError(let message):
            return message

func test1() throws {
    throw OperationError.ioError("io error")

do {
    try test1()
} catch {
    print("\(error) type: \(type(of: error))")
    print("\((error as? OperationError)?.localizedDescription ?? "")")


ioError("io error") type: OperationError
The operation couldn’t be completed. (SwiftErrorDemo.OperationError error 0.)
io error

It seems the custom error couldn't be invoked to the correct property, I know the localizedDescription property is from Foundation framework, but for real type of the error is OperationError, why does the override localizedDescription get called?


  • If you want to supply your own localizedDescription, adopt LocalizedError.

    enum OperationError: LocalizedError {
        case ioError(_ message: String)
        var errorDescription: String? {
            switch self {
            case .ioError(let message): message

    Your test code stays the same:

    func test1() throws {
        throw OperationError.ioError("io error")
    do {
        try test1()
    } catch {
        print("\(error) type: \(type(of: error))")
        print("\((error as? OperationError)?.localizedDescription ?? "")")

    Output from your test code:

    ioError("io error") type: OperationError
    io error
    io error