
How to remove meta-boxes From WooCommerce Order edit pages when HPOS is enabled

How to remove specific order meta-boxes from order edit pages.

The following works on legacy orders, but not with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS):

remove_meta_box( 'woocommerce-order-items', 'shop-order', 'normal' ); // Removes products/items meta box for technicians
remove_meta_box( 'woocommerce-order-actions', 'shop-order', 'normal' ); // Removes products/items meta box for technicians
remove_meta_box( 'woocommerce-order-notes', 'shop-order', 'normal' ); // Removes order note meta box for technicians
remove_meta_box( 'order_custom', 'shop-order', 'normal' );


I tried the following:

function itsm_add_meta_boxes() {
    echo '<style>
    #woocommerce-order-items, #woocommerce-order-actions, #wpo_wcpdf-data-input-box, #woocommerce-order-notes, #order_custom { 
        display: none !important; 
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'itsm_add_meta_boxes', 11 );

It just hide them, but does not actually remove them.

Any other suggestions?


  • For High-Performance Order Storage Metaboxes removal (compatible with legacy orders too), you need to use something a bit different as "shop-order" 2nd argument only works for legacy orders.

    Note that by default in WooCommerce, Order actions and Order notes 3rd argument is "side" (but not "normal").

    Try the following:

    use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\CustomOrdersTableController;
    add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'admin_order_custom_metabox', 100 );
    function admin_order_custom_metabox() {
        $screen = class_exists( '\Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\CustomOrdersTableController' ) && wc_get_container()->get( CustomOrdersTableController::class )->custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled()
            ? wc_get_page_screen_id( 'shop-order' )
            : 'shop_order';
        remove_meta_box( 'woocommerce-order-items', $screen, 'normal' ); // Removes Order items meta box
        remove_meta_box( 'woocommerce-order-actions', $screen, 'side' ); // Removes products/items meta box
        remove_meta_box( 'woocommerce-order-notes', $screen, 'side' ); // Removes order note meta box
        remove_meta_box( 'order_custom', $screen, 'normal' ); // Removes Custom fields meta box

    Code goes in functions.php file of your child theme (or in a plugin). Tested and works.

    If you have changed manually some metaboxes location via drag and drop, you will need to adjust the 3rd argument to "normal" or "side".