
Sequential row update, skipping rows that have a value

I need to update a table with sequential numbering, but skipping numbers that are already in use.

The table has 3 (important) columns: id, name and order, where order is the display order of the buttons. When empty, it looks like this:

id some_name order_number
1 null 1
2 null 2
3 null 3
10 null 10

User can fill in names (or leave them blank), but also mess around with the order of the buttons, even the empty ones. After saving the data, I end up with something like this:

id some_name order_number
1 null 6
2 red 5
3 null 8
4 null 9
5 blue 3
6 null 4
7 null 1
8 yellow 7
9 null 10
10 null 2
CREATE TABLE my_table(id tinyint(1),order_number tinyint(1),some_name varchar(40));
INSERT INTO my_table (id, order_number, some_name) VALUES

What I like to do is renumber the order_numbers in such a way that

In the above example buttons 2, 5 and 8 have a name, so I keep their order numbers (5, 3, 7). The other ones should be renumbered from 1 to 10 (ordered by id), skipping the order_numbers in use. In the end the table should look like this:

id some_name order_number (why) (Next seq number)
1 null 1 name is empty, use next: 1 +1 = 2
2 red 5 full, keep number 5 2
3 null 2 empty, use next: 2 +1 = 3 : used in id=5 -> +1 = 4
4 null 4 empty, use next: 4 +1 = 5 : used in id=2 -> +1 = 6
5 blue 3 full, keep number 3 6
6 null 6 empty, use next: 6 +1 = 7 : used in id=8 -> +1 = 8
7 null 8 empty, use next: 8 +1 = 9
8 yellow 7 full, keep number 7 9
9 null 9 empty, use next: 9 +1 = 10
10 null 10 empty, use next: 10 +1 = 11

Selecting the id's where name = null is not a problem:

SELECT id FROM my_table WHERE some_name IS NULL

Result: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 (id's 3, 5, 8 keep their order_number)

Also, selecting the sequential order_numbers not in use:

SELECT NR.new_number
  select @ordnum := @ordnum + 1 as new_number
  FROM my_table,(select @ordnum := 0) r
  ORDER BY new_number LIMIT 10
) NR
  SELECT order_number FROM my_table 
  WHERE some_name IS NULL
) RO
ON(RO.order_number = NR.new_number)
WHERE RO.order_number IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY NR.new_number

Result: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 (numbers 3, 5, 7 are used)

The problem is how to connect these two queries (they have nothing in common except giving a result set of the same length), so that it picks the first id and the first order_number, updates, then picks the second row from each query, updates, and so on. Every kind of JOIN I tried so far either gives me the id's but the sequential numbering is stuck on 1, or it runs every id against every order_number, resulting in every id having order_number = 10.


  • Solved.

    The two queries in my question needed something to connect them in a JOIN. Wrap them both up in a new SELECT, adding a counter to both. Now they can connect on the counter, which is the same for both queries (as both filter on the same thing: rows where name is null).

        /* result */,
        @s1:=@s1+1 AS sq,
        /* QUERY 1 goes here */
    ) AS empty_names
            @s2:=@s2+1 AS sq,
            /* QUERY 2 goes here */
        ) Y,
        (select @s2:=0) s2
    ) new_order
    /* connect on the counter */
    ON empty_names.sq = new_order.sq
    query 1 query 2 result
    seq 1 id seq 2 new number id new number
    1 1 1 1 1 1
    2 3 2 2 3 2
    3 4 3 4 4 4
    4 6 4 6 6 6
    5 7 5 8 7 8
    6 9 6 9 9 9
    7 10 7 10 10 10

    The result now can be used to update the table.