I am wanting to program a simple calculation in OMEdit to better understand how write more Object-Oriented code to find the answer (as opposed to using a single Model). The problem I am trying to solve is given the mole fractions yi and the molar mass Mi of the simplified constituents of air, determine the mass fraction wi for each constituent.
Given: Mole Fractions (yi) and Molar Masses (Mi) of Air:
Constituent | yi | Mi |
N2 | 0.781 | 28 |
O2 | 0.209 | 32 |
Ar | 0.01 | 39.9 |
Mair = Σ(yi*Mi)
wi =yi*Mi/Mair
The answers I am expecting are
Constituent | wi |
N2 | 0.754 |
O2 | 0.231 |
Ar | 0.014 |
To model each constituent of the composition, I have
model Constituent
parameter Real y "molar fraction";
parameter Real M "molar mass";
Real M_total;
Real w "mass fraction";
w = y * M/M_total;
end Constituent;
To model the collection of constituents and calculate, I have
model Composition
parameter Integer nc =1;
Constituent[nc] constituents;
Real M_total;
M_total = sum(constituents[i].M*constituents[i].y for i in size(constituents));
end Composition;
and then to execute the program I have
model Example_1_1
Constituent[3] constituents(
M = {28,32,39.9},
y = {0.781,0.209,0.01}
Composition composition(
nc = 3,
constituents =constituents);
end Example_1_1;
but it doesn't work
There are some fundamental issues with your approach:
you are missing an equation for M_total
the constituents
should have parameters setAlso I'm not sure if having models for both, Constituent
and Composition
is the best approach. I would make the Composition a single record as shown below:
record Composition
parameter Integer n(min=1) "Number of constituents";
parameter Modelica.Units.SI.DimensionlessRatio y[n] "molar fraction";
parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Mass M[n] "molar mass";
final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Mass M_total=sum(y.*M);
final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.DimensionlessRatio w[n]=y.*M/M_total "mass fraction";
annotation (uses(Modelica(version="4.0.0")));
end Composition;
Records come with the limitation, that they cannot have a equation section, but computing final parameters
is good enough in this case.
Then the example would be
model Example_1_1
Composition comp(
n = 3,
M = {28,32,39.9},
y = {0.781,0.209,0.01});
end Example_1_1;
giving your expected result for comp.w
(using the correct equation from the code, not the description).