
Run program after heredoc in same RUN statement in Dockerfile

I would like to create a file using heredoc and then run a command after in the same RUN statement in a Dockerfile.

To illustrate, take this Dockerfile

FROM alpine
RUN export FOO=bar && \
    cat <<EOF > testfile
Hello, World!
    && echo $FOO

When I try to build that, it fails with ERROR: failed to solve: unterminated heredoc.

It seems that the EOF has to be on a line by itself. But if I do that, the RUN statement ends and I have to put the next command on a new RUN statement.

I'd like to have some commands following the heredoc on the same RUN statement to minimize layers and to have the environment variable available.

Is that possible?


  • You can nest heredocs inside heredocs. For example:

    FROM alpine
    # NB. `set -e` is very important! It stops the run statement if one of the commands fails
    set -ex 
    export FOO=bar
    cat <<FILE_EOF >test_file
    Hello, World!
    echo $FOO
    RUN cat test_file

    This takes advantage of the initial use case for heredocs in docker -- to run a sequence of commands in one RUN statement without having to link them using && and \. The first heredoc is CMD_EOF that contains all the commands you want to run. The second, FILE_EOF, is the one that contains the contents of the file you want to create.