My script looks like below
const item ["a1", "a2",..............,"a45"]
const regex = new RegExp(`${item .join('|')}`, 'g')
cy.get('body').then(($el) => {
if ($el.find('.button').length > 0) {
cy.get('.button2').then(($btn) => {
var infoo = $btn.text()
cy.writeFile('cypress/fixtures/test.txt', '\n', { flag: 'a+' })
cy.writeFile('cypress/fixtures/test.txt', infoo+' | ', { flag: 'a+' })
} // If
else {
When one of the words is visible on my page, my script runs fine. If not, it crashes and the script stops (cause of this part if(cy.get('body').contains(regex)){).
I try this but it takes much longer to execute because the part below is in another for loop
const item ["a1", "a2",..............,"a45"]
const regex = new RegExp(`${item .join('|')}`, 'g')
for(let p = 1 ; p <= 45; p++) {
cy.get('body').then(($btn) => {
if($btn.text().includes(items[p - 1])){
cy.get('body').then(($el) => {
if ($el.find('.button').length > 0) {
cy.get('.button2').then(($btn) => {
var infoo = $btn.text()
cy.writeFile('cypress/fixtures/test.txt', '\n', { flag: 'a+' })
cy.writeFile('cypress/fixtures/test.txt', infoo+' | ', { flag: 'a+' })
} // If
When I use includes with regex I got this error too "First argument to String.prototype.includes must not be a regular expression"
I want to save times and check only if one items appears on my page.
The error says
First argument to String.prototype.includes must not be a regular expression
which means you need to either change the argument to a string (but that defeats your purpose) or change to a method that can accept a regular expression, e.g match()
or .test()
For example
if ($btn.text().test(regex)) {
This question How to use String.match() in javascript gives some examples of how to use .match()
in javascript.