
How do I add validation conditions to optional fields?

I have a phone, email and website fields in my form that are optional. But if the user decides to fill them I want to validate that the input is a valid phone, email and url. This is how I have the fields in my schema:

phone: z.string().min(10, "Type a complete number.").optional(),
email: z.string().email({ message: "Type a valid email address." }).optional(),
website: z.string().url('Please type a valid website (include http/https)').optional(),

However even while being marked as optional zod is treating them as required. How would I set it up so that these fields are optional so that the user can leave them empty but if they decide to fill them it validates accordingly?

Thanks in advance.


  • Came across a solution that works. Basically just replace the optional property with .or(z.literal('')) on the optional fields, like so:

    phone: z.string().min(10, "Type a complete number.").or(z.literal('')),
    email: z.string().email({ message: "Type a valid email address." }).or(z.literal('')),
    website: z.string().url('Please type a valid website (include http/https)').or(z.literal(''))

    Now it works as intended allowing the user to leave the fields empty but validating them if the user fills them.

    Found the solution here: