
MapStruct set field value to a result of another mapper method

Given classes

public static class Source {
    private int a;
    private int b;
public static class DataHolder {
    private int c;
public static class Target {
    private int a;
    private int b;
    private DataHolder holder;

and mapper

public interface SourceToDataHolderMapper {

    DataHolder sourceToDataHolder(Source src);


I want to implement another mapper that maps Source to Target utilizing SourceToDataHolderMapper mapper for holder field in Target type:

public interface SourceToTargetMapper {

    @Mapping(target = "holder", ???)
    Target sourceToTarget(Source src);


I don't know what to use in place of ??? so that Mapstruct would use my SourceToDataHolderMapper correctly.

I tried setting import and uses for type SourceToDataHolderMapper in @Mapper annotation, but it wasn't working.


  • After a few dirty attempts of using expression="java(...)" for @Mapping annotation I found a solution:

    @Mapper(uses = SourceToDataHolderMapper.class)
    public interface SourceToTargetMapper {
        @Mapping(target = "holder", source = ".")
        Target sourceToTarget(Source src);

    Which generates implementation code like this:

    public static class SourceToTargetMapperImpl {
        private SourceToDataHolderMapper sourceToDataHolderMapper = Mappers.getMapper(SourceToDataHolderMapper.class);
        public Target sourceToTarget(Source src) {
            if ( src == null ) return null;
            Target target = new Target();
            target.setA( src.getA() );
            target.setB( src.getB() );
            target.setHolder( sourceToDataHolderMapper.sourceToDataHolder( src ) );

    That is exactly what I wanted without using expression