
PlantUML connect line style

I use plantuml to draw class diagram, but connect line position are not my expect(there are huddled together), the code as follow:

@startuml "mediator module"
' 默认线是圆弧状
' 多段线
' skinparam linetype polyline
' ortho 是垂直线
skinparam linetype ortho

class Mediator {
    +{abstract} createCtrl() : void
    +{abstract} ctrlChanged(CtrlParent*) : void

class ConcrMediator {
    +virtual createCtrl() : void
    +virtual ctrlChanged(CtrlParent*) : void

class CtrlParent {
    #m_pmediator : Mediator
    +virtual Changed() : void
    +{abstract} Enable(bool) : void

together {
    class Button {
    +virtual Enable(bool) : void

    class RadioBtn {
        +Selected(bool) : void
        +virtual Enable(bool) : void

    class EditCtrl {
        +virtual Enable(bool) : void
        +isContentEmpty : bool


Mediator <|---down ConcrMediator

CtrlParent <|---right Button
CtrlParent <|---down RadioBtn
CtrlParent <|---down EditCtrl

CtrlParent o-left-> Mediator

ConcrMediator o-> RadioBtn
note on link : mp_rbtn1、mp_rbtn2

ConcrMediator o-right-> EditCtrl
note on link : mp_edtctrl1, mp_edtctrl2

ConcrMediator o-> Button
note on link : mp_login、mp_logout


and draw result: connect line are huddled together

I`ve try to switch line style ortho/polyline and default, add toghter (Button, RadioBtn, EditCtrl), but not work, my expecting ConcrMediator connect lines hava some gap, just like:

have some gap


  • When the subclasses of CtrlParent are at the same (vertical) level, it's very messy (especially with the note on link). So, I staggered the vertical distance of those subclasses (it's not exactly what you want, but I hope it's better):

    @startuml "mediator module"
    ' 默认线是圆弧状
    ' 多段线
    ' skinparam linetype polyline
    ' ortho 是垂直线
    skinparam linetype ortho 
    skinparam nodesep 150
    together {
        class CtrlParent {
            #m_pmediator : Mediator
            +virtual Changed() : void
            +{abstract} Enable(bool) : void
        class Button {
            +virtual Enable(bool) : void
        class RadioBtn {
            +Selected(bool) : void
            +virtual Enable(bool) : void
        class EditCtrl {
            +virtual Enable(bool) : void
            +isContentEmpty : bool
    class Mediator {
        +{abstract} createCtrl() : void
        +{abstract} ctrlChanged(CtrlParent*) : void
    class ConcrMediator {
        +virtual createCtrl() : void
        +virtual ctrlChanged(CtrlParent*) : void
    Mediator <|-- ConcrMediator
    ' vary the vertical distance by making line longer
    CtrlParent <|---- Button
    CtrlParent <|--- EditCtrl
    CtrlParent <|-- RadioBtn
    CtrlParent o-l-> Mediator
    ConcrMediator o-> RadioBtn 
    note on link: mp_rbtn, mp_rbtn2
    ConcrMediator o-r-> EditCtrl
    note on link: mp_edtctrl1, mp_edtctrl2
    ConcrMediator o-> Button 
    note on link: mp_login, mp_logout

    enter image description here