I have a project that is using Angular 17, application builder, standalone components, with NgModule imports. In Development, it builds and runs just fine, but when building in Production, the application crashes with the following error:
core.mjs:6373 ERROR TypeError: st is not a function
at HTMLElement.addEventListener (zone.js:1907:21)
at n.addEventListener (platform-browser.mjs:785:15)
at n.addEventListener (platform-browser.mjs:212:21)
at Dd.listen (platform-browser.mjs:665:30)
at sf.listen (browser.mjs:4309:26)
at G0 (core.mjs:24973:34)
at _t (core.mjs:26820:3)
at Kle (createAccount.component.html:31:53)
at o0 (core.mjs:10988:5)
at LA (core.mjs:12150:7)
createAccount.component.html:31:53 looks like this, with line 31 being [(value)]="model.Username"
<my-textbox [label]="ResourceKey.Portals_EditProfile_Username"
If I comment this textbox out, then the same error on the next textbox's [(value)] line.
From what I can tell poking around in the stack, st seems to be mapped to prepareEventNames in zone.js:
if (!symbolEventNames) {
prepareEventNames(eventName, eventNameToString);
symbolEventNames = zoneSymbolEventNames[eventName];
attempting to step into prepareEventNames() results in the error.
So what does this mean? Did the optimized build shake one too many things out? How do I fix/find the issue?
Angular CLI: 17.3.8
Node: 20.16.0
Package Manager: npm 10.8.1
OS: win32 x64
Angular: 17.3.12
... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms
... localize, platform-browser, platform-browser-dynamic, router
Package Version
@angular-devkit/architect 0.1703.8
@angular-devkit/build-angular 17.3.8
@angular-devkit/core 17.3.8
@angular-devkit/schematics 17.3.8
@angular/cdk 17.3.10
@angular/cli 17.3.8
@angular/flex-layout 15.0.0-beta.42
@angular/material 17.3.10
@schematics/angular 17.3.8
ng-packagr 17.3.0
rxjs 7.8.1
typescript 5.3.3
zone.js 0.14.4
Application configuration:
export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [
{ provide: LocalizationSource, useClass: MinIDLocalizationSource },
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, appConfig)
.catch((err) => console.error(err));
Update: If I build with optimization turned off, the application runs fine.
ng build {project} --configuration=production --optimization=false
Searching for any relevant info regarding this issue, I ran into this one: Enabling optimization breaks Angular site for no apparent reason
Lo and behold, that was it. Now my production build works fine.
To recap the issue and the fix:
to the script references. <script src="main.js"></script>
to <script src="main.js" type="module"></script>
Definitely one to remember for the future