I have enabled the lifecycle policy in my AWS account. I need the log details of when the files are transitioned from standard to glacier. when the files are expired etc. I have enabled the server access logging, I want only file transition logs. But enabling server access logging will write all the user login also. I don't want to use any lambda functions since it costs high.
Tried using CloudTrail but didn't find the logs of file transitions. I read that CloudTrail only logs API calls.
Use S3 Event Notifications(most cost effictive):
, s3:ObjectExpiration
, etc.SNS topic
, SQS queue
, or even directly to CloudWatch Logs
This way, you can capture only the specific events related to lifecycle transitions and expirations without capturing other access logs.you can check the docs here : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/EventNotifications.html