
What permissions do I need for facebook activity history?

Wondering can anyone point me in the right direction here. I am trying to access the activity endpoint of the facebook marketing api and keep getting a missing permissions error.

Can anyone help or point me to what I am doing wrong?

I am following this stack so think I am right in graph endpoint:

Using the Activity Log Endpoint in the Facebook Marketing APIs

Endpoint I am creating looks like this in python:

url = f"{account_id}/activities?access_token={access_token}"

I have tried recreating my token and giving all permissions to it and still getting the same error so not sure what I am missing. Can someone point me to the permissions required for it? This is the error I'm seeing:

Here is the error:

{'error': {'message': '(#100) Missing permissions', 'type': 'OAuthException', 'code': 100, 'fbtrace_id': 'Aa6zg3SUnxRo_rLBI6EQTtA'}}


  • Standard Access ads_read and ads_management permissions are sufficient for managing your ad account. To manage other ad accounts, you’ll need Advanced Access permissions.
